PCB installed inside of aluminum alloy U diskshell, portable, safe and reliable!
Interface definition directly marked on the shell, clear, convenient and practical!
5V, 3.3V offers at the same time, allowing you to program your target board with both 5V and 3.3V
Shell characters using laser engraving, never fade off! Permanent clarity!
500MA internal resettable fuse, complete protection of your expensive computer motherboard!
SWIM cable for connection to the application via a pin header or a 2.54 mm pitch connector
SWIM programming speed rate: 9.7 Kbytes/s in low speed and 12.8 Kbytes/s in high speed
ST-Link V2 Programmer For STM8 and STM32 is fully consistent with the official version, support for automatic upgrades, support the full range STM32 SWD (only 4pins including SWCLK, SWDIO, and power) and a full range STM8 SWIM (only 4pins including SWIM, Reset and power) download and debug.
Use this device to send program code to the 32-bit STM32 ARM Cortex or 8-bit STM8 microcontrollers. The header for this ST-Link v2 programmer contains connections for 5V, 3.3V, SWCLK, SWDIO, SWIM, Reset (RST/NRST) and GND. The connector on the opposite side of this device is a USB connector and is intended to be plugged into the computer.