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  • Replacement Arm for Super Strong Q250 Quadcopter Frame
  • Replacement Arm for Super Strong Q250 Quadcopter Frame

Replacement Arm for Super Strong Q250 Quadcopter Frame

Per piece

Product details

Quick overview

  1. Made up of Good-Quality Carbon Fiber.
  2. Light-weight design.
  3. It is strong and durable.
  4. Perfect fit for your Super strong Q250mm Frame.


Product Description

Most of the Drone landings are not perfect at all!!!! If you haven't flown any drone yet then we believe the same is true for your flying too. But except this facts, every drone suffers from unexpected crashes throughout his life whether the Drone Flyer Person is a newbie enthusiast or an experienced professional.

Its usual that when a drone crashes, the impact mainly affects the Arms of the drone. Because of this concern only it is ideal that a drone should have detachable arms to provide a wide lifecycle to the Multirotors.

This Replacement Arm is made from good quality carbon fiber, especially for Q250mm Quadcopter Frame. This is a lightweight arm is exactly the same as the original Q250mm Quadcopter Frame Arm.

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