MAX7219 Digital Tube Display Module Control Module
Product details
The MAX7219 has integrates a convenient four-wire serial interface that can be used to all micro-controller, microprocessors. Each on-chip data can be addressed in the update without rewriting all display, and also allows you to select each data encoding or no-coding.
It is an integrated serial input/output common-cathode display drivers, which connects the microprocessor and 8-bit 7-segment digital LED display, you can also connect a bar graph display or 64 separate LED. Includes an on-chip type B BCD encoders, multi-channel scanning loop, segment word driver, but also an 8?8 static RAM that stores each data. Only one external register is used to set the current of each LED segment.
A convenient four-wire serial interface can connect all common microprocessors. Each data can be addressed in the update without rewriting all displays. MAX7219 also allows the user to select each data encoding or no coding.