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  • Creator Kid Kit 4

Creator Kid Kit 4

Per set

Product details

Kit 4 Contain :

  1. Arduino Uno with Cable x 1
  2. Arduino Jack pin with 9V battery Cap x 1
  3. Red LED x 20
  4. Green LED x 20
  5. Blue LED x 20
  6. Resistor 1000 ohm x 12
  7. Motor Driver Circuit L298 x 1
  8. Jumper wire Male to Male x 30
  9. Jumper wire Male to Female x 30
  10. Jumper wire Female to Female x 20
  11. Seven Segment x 4
  12. Breadboard x 1
  13. Black Insulation Tap x 1
  14. Adaptor 12V x 1
  15. Female Jack pin x 1
  16. 9V Battery x 4
  17. 9V battery Cap x 4
  18. Chassis x 1
  19. 12V DC Motor 200rpm x 2
  20. Castor Wheel x 1
  21. Wheels x 2
  22. Screw Driver (Tester) x 1
  23. Double side tap x 1
  24. Small Buzzer for Breadboard x 2
  25. Plastic Box x 1
  26. IR sensor module x 3
  27. Accelerometer ADXL 335 x 1
  28. Motion Sensor x 1
  29. Relay Module x 1
  30. Push Button  x 4
  31. Bluetooth Module x 1
  32. Transmitter & Receiver x 1
  33. Lifting Mechanism x 1
  34. Gripping Mechanism x 1
  35. Small Breadboard x 1
  36. Screw Box x 1

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