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  • CR 2450 N Renata Battery

CR 2450 N Renata Battery

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Product details

Quick Overview

  • CR2450N 3V Lithium Battery:
  • Swiss Made
  • Technical Data Sheet Specifications :
  • Chemical System Li / MnO2 (According to IEC 60086) Nominal Voltage 3 V
  • Rated Capacity 540 mAh
  • Standard Discharge Current 0.8 mA
  • Max. Cont. Discharge Current 3.0 mA
  • Average Weight 5.9 g
  • Operating Temperature* -40 – +85 °C

 Product Description

Lithium button and coin cell batteries, such as the CR2450, are used to power small portable electronics devices such as wrist watches, pocket calculators, artificial cardiac pacemakers, implantable cardiac defibrillators, automobile key less entry transmitters, and hearing aids Button and coin cell batteries are typically 5-25 millimeters in diameter and 1-6 millimeters in height. Lithium sizes can be determined from their reference numbers

The first two digits refer to the diameter of the battery in mm and the second two digits give the height or thickness of the battery in tenths of mm. So, for example, this CR2450 is a Lithium button cell which is 24 mm in diameter and 5.0 mm thick.

 Lithium button and coin cell batteries have a BR or CR prefix and primarily provide 3 volts. Lithium batteries cost a bit more than alkaline, but last longer, weigh less and can operate in a much wider temperature range (extreme heat and extreme cold) compared to alkaline batteries.

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