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  • BC547  NPN  Transistor
  • BC547  NPN  Transistor

BC547 NPN Transistor

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Product details

Quick Overview 

  • It is an NPN transistor.
  • It has three terminals named as:
    1. Emitter
    2. Collector
    3. Base
  • The maximum current gain of BC547 is 800A.
  • Collector-Emitter Voltage is 65V.
  • Collector-Base Voltage is 80V.
  • Emitter-Base Voltage is 8V.

Product Description

A transistor is basically an electrically controlled switch. There is an input, output, and a control line referred to as the emitter, collector, and base. 

When the control line (base) is triggered it will connect the emitter and the collector just like switching a switch. Since the power between the emitter and collector can be higher than the base, transistors are often used as amplifiers. 

The BC547 is an NPN transistor meaning when power is applied to the base (control pin) it will flow from the collector to the emitter. Typically NPN transistors are used to “switch ground” on a device, meaning, they are placed after the load in a circuit.BC547 is an NPN Transistor. It has a gain value of  110 and a collector current of 100mA.

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