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  • ADC0808CCN PDIP-28 Analog to Digital Converter-ADC
  • ADC0808CCN PDIP-28 Analog to Digital Converter-ADC

ADC0808CCN PDIP-28 Analog to Digital Converter-ADC

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Product details

Quick Overview 

  1. Easy interface to all microprocessors 8 Bits Resolution
  2. Total Unadjusted Error ? LSB and ?1 LSB
  3. Low Power: 15 mW
  4. Conversion Time: 100 ?s
  5. Operates ratiometrically or with 5VDC or analog span adjusted voltage reference
  6. No zero or full-scale adjust required

Product Description

he ADC0808CCN PDIP-28 Analog to Digital Converter-ADC is a ?P compatible Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with 8-channel multiplexer. The 8-bit A/D converter uses a successive approximation as the conversion technique. The converter features a high impedance chopper stabilized comparator, a 256R voltage divider with analog switch tree and a successive approximation register.

The 8-channel multiplexer can directly access any of 8-single-ended analog signals. The device eliminates the need for external zero and full-scale adjustments. Easy interfacing to microprocessors is provided by the latched and decoded multiplexer address inputs and latched TTL TRI-STATE outputs.

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